energetic explorations
Recover, Reclaim, Reconcile ...Repeat

BodyTalk Exploration Series:

Recovering from Stress and Burnout

What follows the Global Pandemic?

When you are burned out, the last thing you need is another strategy…

 It’s too much when you’re WIRED… TIRED… and MIRED.

We can help your WIRED nervous system calm…

so you can actually rest.

We can help build your TIRED energy stores…

and your resilience.

We can help clear the MIRED sludge in your thinking and overwhelm…

and make some room for your LIFE AGAIN.

We repair what’s out of balance…

We work the hidden stories of where your energy has been going,

so you don’t have to…

Just listen… follow… and don’t worry about it.

BodyTalk Exploration Series: Recovering from Stress and Burnout

10-week guided healing program:


  • 40-minute recorded sessions

  • 10-Week Program

  • Help yourself more by watching excerpts in minutes a day


  • Come if you can…

  • Watch when you want…

  • Available when you need it…


  • We have seen…

  • Physical…mental… and emotional changes

  • Softening in reactivity to stress

  • Increased clarity and capacity

  • Renewed energy for life.


  • Full access to posts and videos for 20 weeks.

  • Repeated viewings and progress tracking!

  • Blue Dragonfly Healing Community members save $50!*

  • Low Income option for those in need


Low-Income Rate


Regular Rate


Corporate /Support Rate


We are offering this low income rate, to make healing support available to those in need. Please only take this option if you really need it. We couldn’t offer this 10-week program without the support of those paying full price.

*Blue Dragonfly Members save $50 on registration when you purchase the Support or Regular Rate!

We are offering this low income rate to make healing support available to those in need. Please only take this option if you really need it. We couldn’t offer this 10-week program without the support of those paying full price.

Help make meaningful healing support available for low income participants. Please consider choosing this option if you have financial means.

Payment by PayPal or E-transfer accepted

Janessa R.

I have known post-partum depression. Brain Basics has been an extremely helpful tool in my mental health toolbox as a freshly post-partum mom. It helped me quiet my brain, organize my thoughts, adapt to change, be flexible, and it built my capacity to cope with my 3 kids’ needs. So grateful!”

Marguerite M.

I am better able to process triggering reactions, and no longer feel the need to obsess about them. 
I have had great improvement in mobility from a long-standing injury.”