energetic explorations
Recover, Reclaim, Reconcile ...Repeat

Balance Your Basics

Making Room and Grounding

Would you feel better

if you JUST had


13 Healing Sessions to Help

Make room to breathe, digest and get yourself grounded

so you can have space, calm your mind and body,

and manage your world. 

This BodyTalk guided healing program can help:

  •      Recover from ongoing effects of work, health or personal stresses
  •      Recover capacity and resilience in dealing with life’s challenges
  •      Reclaim your best self and feel better physically, mentally, and emotionally
  •      Calm reactivity and reclaim your peace

This introductory group series is specifically designed for:

  •      New Participants (ages 10 – 99)
  •      Those new to BodyTalk or other healing processes
  •      Those who live with high stress, or have experienced trauma
  •      Those who only have a little room for attention 
  •    Schools or organizations looking for programs to support physical and mental health for staff, students or clients

 Our bodies know how to help us we just need to make room.

Man seated cross legged with a hand on heart and a hand on belly, eyes closed and focused on breathing slowly and steadily.

This series supports the ‘natural balancing healing pathways’ that are always working quietly and invisibly to help us process and release our experiences and stuck emotions.

Our breathing.

Our digestion.

Our natural energetic connection with the Earth.

All of these ‘natural balancing pathways’ help us, all the time. In Making Room and Grounding, we spend some time helping them.

Topics covered:

  • Balancing the Brain
  • Clearing Obstacles to Feeling Good
  • Making Room in Our Breathing, Our Digestion and Our Connection to the Earth
  • Supporting Movement in the 3 Natural Balancing Pathways
  • Strengthening the 3 Natural Balancing Pathways
  • 5 Nervous System Grounding Techniques

Balance Your Basics:

Making Room and Grounding

13-session Guided Healing Program:
  • Access the recordings 24/7

  • Easy access to videos on your phone app

  • Personalize sessions to your needs

  • Use over and over again with different outcomes each time

  • Full access to posts and videos for 20 weeks

  • Extended Access Available

  • Suitable for a variety of ages and developmental needs

  • Suitable as a clinical services support

  • BONUS! Downloadable Action Tracker to follow your progress

  • Blue Dragonfly Healing Community members save $50!*

* Blue Dragonfly Members save $50 on regular or support rates.

How to Register and Pay

If you don’t have an account with us:
  • -Click the link Create an Account
  • -Scroll down to Register and follow the prompts to create your account.
  • -Check your Email to finish setting up and create your password.
Those with an account:
  • Log In to your account and click Shop.
  • -Choose your Exploring Weight and Metabolism program and select your price point option. Add to Cart.
  • -Follow the payment directions to gain access to program.

Carol G.

I have had a lot of trauma… I thought this would be triggering…instead I found it stabilizing.”

Tammy S.

I have way less reactivity in general to things that used to cause racing heart/heart palpitations and have more patience with my family.”