Blue Dragonfly Healing Community
Safe, kind healing support…
Welcome to Blue Dragonfly!
We understand that in Reconciliation, our healing is intertwined.
Settler healing plays a role in Indigenous healing.
Indigenous healing plays a role in Settler healing.
We choose to come together… to help each other, to listen, to witness, to heal and to grow as we walk a road of Reconciliation.
Building new relationship, and a new, healthier world requires the growth and healing of us all.
At Blue Dragonfly, we are a community of Indigenous, BIPOC and Settler women who gather for 90 min. weekly to heal together through group BodyTalk sessions. Knowing that the BodyTalk work on one person serves to heal and balance us all, we are walking a healing journey together…growing ourselves, each other, and finding the Feminine Leadership that emerges from our collective inner work.
Emerging Feminine Leadership
Mikiwahp ~ Tipi Teachings
A FREE Zoom Event Thursday, January 23
6:30 – 8:00 pm CST

Raven Hart
Asiniskow Ithinew/Anishinaabe member of the Nisichawayasihk and White Earth Band of Chippewa.
Raven brings a wealth of Traditional Knowledge, deep perspective from years of serving community and passion for the healing of the people
Sharing Space with Each Other
Sharing space requires ongoing learning with and from each other in a container of safety.
We work hard to hold space that is clean and honest… where Indigenous participants feel safe and comfortable… and where non-Indigenous/Settler participants bring presence without taking up all the room.
We have 2 main agreements for how we take care of this space…
- We keep ourselves safe
- We keep everyone safe
We do this through conscious attention of our mental/emotional state, safety in our words and how we express our needs… and through choice in how we work together.
A Safe Space…
Level of participation:
You can observe the live group, follow along or volunteer for a session. You can even just participate by watching recorded sessions in private. The chat is available for participation and gentle encouragement of others’ work.
Level of visibility:
You can have your camera on or off, only first names are shared (and as long as we know who you are, you can change that too), view recordings in your own private space
Amount of personal story shared:
We don’t need to bring up the whole story for the work to be helpful. Your body carries your story, so we start with a body scan and session volunteers share what they notice and what changes they see. We just welcome you to gently let us know what kind of help you need. Personal or more charged information is sent to Jen OC privately.
Weekly Live Group Gatherings
Every week, we work on a few randomly chosen live participants. Their needs are a mirror for our needs, and we all benefit from the shifts that happen in them. In this, we each crack open the illusions of who we are and how we live and open up to the possibilities of…
new ways of seeing and new ways of being.
While All Are Welcome…
This space attracts female-identifying folks, intuitives, sensitives, empaths, those who work in ‘helping and healing’ fields, and those who care about reconciliation.
This monthly membership includes:
- Live group healing sessions every Thursday, alternating daytime and evening
- Library with over 180 hours of past sessions
- Searchable option to find helpful sessions
- Access to other recorded resources and sessions
- A growing space for witnessing, supporting and expressing our emerging Feminine Leadership
Regular Rate
- Open to All
Low-Income Rate
- Reduced Rate for Low-Income Participants
Want to Join our community?
To begin the intake process;
Our staff will reach out for a casual discussion on fit and to arrange a 1:1 session with Jen OC. Standard rates apply.
How We Came To Be…
Birthed the same day as the (re-)discovery of children’s graves was announced from the former Kamloops Residential School site, we began as 2 culturally separate healing groups that gradually started to mingle.
After a year of slowly coming to know each other… the two groups called to be merged. Now we walk together as one… learning how to share space and healing each other through the work of healing ourselves.
Shannon P.
These online groups have definitely strengthened my belief that we have similar internal pain and strengths and that it is possible for Indigenous and non-Indigenous people to heal together. Hearing acknowledgements of our true history in Canada and the impacts on our people is showing me respect and truth. I feel this respect from everyone in the group sessions.”