energetic explorations
Recover, Reclaim, Reconcile ...Repeat
A lake can be slightly seen through the various plants and trees that extend upward to the blue sky decorated in few small white clouds.

Balance Your Basics

School and Organization Inquiries

Real Change Made Gentle for Schools and Organizations

Our 3 guided BodyTalk balancing series are suitable as a clinical services support or

to help manage healthcare needs in areas with limited medical access.

Healing and well-being support anyone can access
Series features:
  • Safe, gentle and kind guided balancing sessions
  • 24/7 video access
  • Easily available through desktop or phone app
  • Customize sessions to meet your health and wellness needs
  • Repeated use brings new results
  • Suitable for a variety of ages, developmental needs and health issues
  • Trauma informed and suitable for individuals experiencing complex trauma
  • Suitable for individual or group use
  • Helpers in the community can train to deliver these video sessions

Help Right Now

Sad emoji holding 'Help!' sign. "Balance Your Basics" "Help Right Now"

A series designed for

quick support to calm and ground

so you don’t struggle alone.

Just Watch and Follow along!

Quick and gentle, BodyTalk sessions in minutes a day.

Healing support right in your pocket!

These sessions help walk you back to being connected with yourself in hard times!

Help lessen pain and increase mobility as we target an area of your choice!

Find your way back to restful sleep and help you settle into rest.

Calm feelings of fear and panic as we grow a sense of safety and protection.

Anger can be healthy and safe. This session helps ground and release excess anger and supports safe, constructive action.

Learn how to adapt these videos for your own personal healing needs.

Making Room and Grounding

This series supports the ‘natural balancing healing pathways’ that are always working quietly and invisibly to help us process and release our experiences and stuck emotions.

Our breathing.

Our digestion.

Our natural energetic connection with the Earth.

All of these ‘natural balancing pathways’ help us, all the time. In Making Room and Grounding, we spend some time helping them.

This introductory group BodyTalk series has been specifically Designed for:

  • young participants (ages 10 – 99)
  • those new to BodyTalk or other healing processes
  • those who live with high stress, or have experienced trauma

Topics covered in ‘Making Room and Grounding’ series:

  • Balancing the Brain
  • Feeling Good
  • Making Room
  • Supporting Movement
  • Strengthening the 3 Natural Balancing Pathways
  • 5 Nervous System Grounding Techniques

Brain Basics

The brain oversees and mirrors all functioning;

In our body.

In our mind.

In our emotions.

In our relationships with everything.

In stress, the brain and all these parts break down, as does our capacity to process our experience and our world.

The Brain Basics series offers group BodyTalk sessions to awaken and balance the brain, giving it the opportunity to calm, refocus, build resilience to stress, and manage its many jobs.

Participants are supported in learning, remembering, processing new information, and softening overwhelm and reactivity to challenge, while building the brain’s capacity for real growth and healing.

Topics covered in this ‘Brain Basics’ series:

  • Balancing the Brain
  • Bringing the Brain out of Stress
  • Building Resilience to Stress
  • Learning and Adapting
  • Healing and Growing
  • Softening Shame

Program elements may include:

  • Assessment and Program Planning with Administration or Management
  • In-Person Program On-boarding and Registration
  • Admin/Tech Support and Troubleshooting
  • Custom Programming Development on Request
  • Purchase or License Agreements
  • Program Structure and Outlined Staffing Requirements
  • Tiered Access – Staff, Student/Client or Community Use
  • Group Rates

Phyllis R.

I can say without a doubt that BodyTalk has been the most healing form of Healthcare for me with the complex impacts of intragenerational trauma I’ve experienced. It has made my childhood trauma and rheumatoid arthritis more manageable for me.  I see the future of this therapy helping my people recover from inter-generational trauma and the residential school system.”

Fallen tree trunks at the rear left and front right, covered in moss, invite a place to sit and meet between an open ground of moss.